Police Strategies
![]() German police declare a general ban on demonstrations in designated areas around the G8 summit 16th of May Restrictions on the right to demonstrate are heavily criticized G8 summit protesters announce law suit The special police department "Kavala", responsible for the security of the G8 summit, has issued yesterday evening a so-called General Ban. This was formally communicated to the negotiators of one of the protest marches. In the past, "Kavala" always has denied plans of such a restriction of the right to protest. Even the website of "Kavala" has stated for months that no restrictions would be placed on demonstrations in the area of the fence. Now it is clear that no demonstrations against the G8 will be allowed in an area of several kilometers outside of the fence. [mehr...] Gipfelsoli Infogroup/Camp Inski 9. Mai 2007 Wave of Repression against anti-G8 structures in Germany wave of repression against anti-G8 structures houses searched in Hamburg, Berlin, and Bremen communication structure of anti-G8 movement targeted Since Wednesday morning 8 am a wave of searches is taking places against left structures throughout Germany. Targeted are social projects and private persons that are organizing against the coming G8 summit - or suspected to do so.more...] uk.indymedia.org 6. Mai 2007 Netherlands: anti G 8 bike rally stopped by police. 115 arrested. ![]() Financial Times May 3, 2007 Germany tries to please all its G8 party guests Germany is taking no risks with security at its summit of the G8 rich nations on the Baltic coast next month. In a move that trumps even the tough measures of previous summits, it has built a 12km security fence to surround the luxury Heiligendamm hotel where the eight leaders will meet. In addition, in Germany’s biggest such operation in 60 years, 16,000 police and 1,100 soldiers will be ready to fend off threats by militant protesters.[more...] Tuesday May 1, 2007
A report about the G8 Protests, the EU summit-attack, left mobilisation and the trials of §129a in hamburg The attack on the „Hanse-Gate“ office at the elbe in hamburg seems to be in the context of the G8-summit in heiligendamm and the eu-foreign-affairs-minster summit in hamburg. The newspaper "hamburger morgenpost" got a declaration of "autonomous anticapitalist groups", who pointed out the bad working conditions in the shipping company which uses the attacked office and named the action as a "warm up" for the G8 and EU summit.[read more...] (indymedia.de) 19.04.2007 redorbit 17 March 2007 German Counter-Terrorism Agency Sees G8 Summit As Likely Attack Target Text of report by German newspaper Die Welt website on 17 March [Unattributed report: “BKA Sees G8 Summit as Most Likely Target”] Despite the latest threats by video, the Federal Office of Criminal Investigation does not consider additional security measures in Germany to be necessary. Among other things, the BKA is worried about globalization opponents, right-wing radicals, and Internet crime.[read more...] Police strategy for second outer circle ![]() First conversations relating to the establishment of camps G8 Summit in Heiligendamm – Police Germany During the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm lasting from 6th June until 8th June 2007 not only State guests will be expected but also tens of thousands of globalization critics who here in this region want to peacefully make use of the right of the freedom of speech and of freedom of assembly embodied in the Constitution. [read more...] BAO Kavala will be the authority giving the permission to hold meetings (Versammlungsbehörde) during 12nd February 2007 G8 Summit in Heiligendamm PR 18 BAO Kavala will be the authority giving the permission to hold meetings (Versammlungsbehörde) during the G8 Summit With the effect from 27thJanuary 2007 the government of the Land entrusted the directorate Rostock with the tasks of being the authority giving the permission to hold meetings.[read more...] Legal Update Heiligendamm February 9th 2007 [taken from Gipfelsoli Infogruppe]
The European Security Strategy Concepts and Technologies against Terrorism The 10th European Police Congress (12 - 14 February 2007) deals with new 01st February 2007 Construction of technical barrier on schedule G8 Summit Meeting Heiligendamm indymedia 23.01.2007 solidarity support the annual nato meeting in munich will take place in two weeks, repression is continuing. after a wave of searches in 11 objects in munich some days ago, now the police entered a youth center in the city erlangen (bavaria) the police said they wanted to talk to the responsible of the house in the morning and destroyed the door after nobody opened. They searched for material related to G8 and anti-nato to criminalize the center.[read more...] Another razzia in Berlin On the night from Friday to Saturday (12/13.01.2007) police entered for asecond time in this month the space of automoust center in Berlin "KÖPI". G8 Summit 2007 in Heiligendamm FAQ from www.polizei.mvnet.de [read more...] List of Police Stations and Prisons in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern [read more...] Map of police stations [read more...] Police powers and presence for the G8 summit What to expect and how to protect yourself In 2006, the regional parliament of the German state of Mecklenburg Vorpommern (hereafter M-V), where the G8 will take place, passed a new Security and Public Order Act which increased the powers of the police during protests. Officially, the Act was passed in the name of the fight against terrorism and organised crime, but as the timing of this legislation as well as Genoa, Gleneagles and the World Cup have shown, these legal and executive powers are predominantly used to police demonstrations at summits and football events. [read more...] |
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