German police declare a general ban on demonstrations in designated areas around the G8 summit
16th of May
Restrictions on the right to demonstrate are heavily criticized
G8 summit protesters announce law suit
Maps of the fence and the restricted area:
technical barrier (PDF - 1 MB)
The special police department "Kavala", responsible for the security of the G8
summit, has issued yesterday evening a so-called General Ban. This was formally
communicated to the negotiators of one of the protest marches. In the past,
"Kavala" always has denied plans of such a restriction of the right to protest.
Even the website of "Kavala" has stated for months that no restrictions would be
placed on demonstrations in the area of the fence. Now it is clear that no
demonstrations against the G8 will be allowed in an area of several kilometers
outside of the fence.
"There are plans for an area outside of the fence as well as the road network
around Heiligendamm for the time frame in question that will be subjected to a
ban of association", so the letter of "Kavala".
The order will most likely be signed by Christiane Röttgers. Röttgers works
closely with the governmental presidency in Luneburg and has been a central
administrator of General Bans during the regular mass protests against the
nuclear Castor transports. Now she is working as head of the "Association
Department" at "Kavala". She is expected to implement the restrictions of the
right to protest in Heiligendamm.
"Kavala" has suspended the release of this order for a long time. Such a
practice is well-known from the protests against the Castor transports. "The
police are playing with time. This will restrict the possibilities for a law
suit against the ban", so the criticism of the protesters.
"All those who officially registered their demonstrations have been misled for
months", says the Infogroup Gipfesoli. For months the Association Department of
"Kavala" has not responded to several registrations.
Of concern are above all the plans for the "Star March" which intends to have
different thematical strands. This, along with several small demonstrations
along the fence in Heiligendamm, were registered for the 7th of June. But also
the announced blockades of the military airport Rostock Laage will be forbidden
under the ban.
Summit protestors have announced their intention to lodge a formal complaint and
begin legal proceedings as soon as possible. This drawn out bureaucratic process
was certainly intended by the authorities. However, the right to protest in the
vicinity of the adressed institution was confirmed by the Federal
Constitutional Court several times in the run up to the events. The most famous
case on this issue in Germany is the so- called "Brokdorf judgement" from the
period of intense protests against nuclear energy in 1985.
In response to the repressive police measures, the alliance "Block G8" has
announced to blockade the G8 summit by means of civil disobedience,
notwithstanding the general ban.