The Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants invites you to participate in the 2007 Tour with us. We will be travelling through Germany for two weeks (May 19 to June 4,2007) before the G8 Summit. The Tour will begin in Neuburg close to Munich and will end in Rostock close to Heiligendamm, where the Summit will take place. This is how we want to show the connection between migration and the destruction of the home countries of refugees and migrants by the G8 States. we will focus on the countries of origin at every station of the tour. We also want to draw public attention to the awful situation of deportations and camps in Germany and Europe as a whole. The Tour is organised by refugee and migrant selforganizations in cooperation with the NoLager Network and other antiracist groups.

the caravan tour in Kiel, Hamburg and Boitzenburg

at the 29th of may 2007

manifestation and public tribunal against the deportation of the kurdish artist and opposition-activist Engin Celik and the german turkey-policy in Kiel, Asmus-Bremer Platz at 12°° o'clock. Departure from Hamburg: Hauptbahnhof 10.30 am in front of "Reisezentrum".

at the 30th of may 2007

united trip to the deportation prison in Horst / Boizenburg meeting point in Hamburg: 09:00 am Bhf-Sternschanze

starting at 4 pm there will be an international culture-festival in Hamburg – Wilhelmsburg at 4 pm livemusic (turkish/kurdish, Hip Hop, latinamerican), stage-programm, children-playground, Infos

donations to: The Voice e.V. Göttingen
Kontonummer: 127829 | Bankleitzahl: 26050001 |
Sparkasse Göttingen Stichwort Tour 2007

more infos, the complete call and all tourdates:

contact to the local group in Hamburg:

Brigittenstr. 5 20359 Hamburg 040-43189037 E-mail: free2move [at]

[deutsche version]] , [multilanguage]

for more up to date infos about hamburg, see:

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