Newsletter "shake g8 bikeride"

In your hands you hold the first newsletter of "shake g8 bikeride". It`s
the attempt to keep you up to date of the preperation process. A lot is
happening decentral and self- organised and having a summary isn't that


At the moment there is happening an eastern-europe infotour, which will cover our route as well. It will be used to mobilise for the caravan and also to contact and find possible stages on the way.

If you want to contact them, want to have an informational event in your city, want to host the caravan, want to join it or just want to inform yourself, you can write to resistencia07[at]

The route:

The caravan will start from Budapest. From 1.-5. april we want to get to know each other there and find time to think about our structure, how to find decisions, how to deal with media... From there we`ll head to Györ(8. April), later to Bratislava (10. April), than north to Brno (14. April), further to Wroclav (28. April) and Poznan (5. May). In Schwedt (16th. May) we want to enter fortress Germoney. We are expecting difficulties there and need support and publicity for it. After having danced down the borders we are guest in the community "karlshof" which are trying the concept of noncommercial agriculture. From there we`ll
join the other caravans in Wittstock, and together with them participate in the go-in of the planned bomb-training area "bombodrom". ( up to 1. June). United with all the others we`ll form an unstoppable wave which will flood the G8...

"dancing down the borders" in Schwedt on 16.5.

We decided to cross the polish-german border in a no-border-action. The german police will try to keep as much people as possible away from the protest and a lot of activists will have problems in entering Germoney.
We want to focus publicity on the fact that even the "schengen- agreement" will be interrupted and borders in general are a
constructed shit and should be abandoned. There`ll be a mobilisation also from the german side and the press will be invited. The date will be part of the anti-G8 choreography. This is a call to everyone to particpate and to think about ways of de-masking the border-regimes of the world.

Already organised stuff:

This is a rough summary of usable material, which has already been organised. A tractor with a waggon will accompany us during our way. It will carry cooking material, tools, costumes, first aid kids for bikes and humans, as well as spare tires, maybe a laptop and space for more.
Though the tractor has an insurance and a good condition, we should be prepared of having to leave it behind and having enough capacities on our bikes. We'll have a fancy homepage from the end of february on and the wiki, which we use for everything at the moment, will be just a working-platform than. The adress is At the moment it's sending yourself directly to the wiki.

Next dates:

On the 23rd of february there will be a wonderfull benefit party in the "drugstore" in berlin under the topic "tanks to spaceships" with djs and maybe some bands. From the 24th-25th of february will be the next preperational meeting in berlin. It will take place in the "OUBs", the "Open University of Berlin". Starting time and how to get there will be posted at the wiki.

Contact and infos:

the webpage, where you`ll find all infos and topics for the next meeting will be collected is reachable under: It's a page we share with the "gr8chaoskaravaan", a caravan which starts in brussels
and which also heads to the G8.

You can contact the mailing-list fahrradkarawane07[at] to
get in touch!
