Public Mobile Radio (PMR)

For the purpose of distrubuting actual information there'll be a so
called Public-Mobile-Radio-Info. It's part of the Infosystem an it's
supposed to broadcast information concerning demonstrations, blockades
and actions. It will be receivable around the area of Heiligendamm and
Rostock-Laage during the probable actiondays on wednesday and thursday.
PMRs are small handy radios which can be bought and used legally.

Usually you reach between 0,5 km and 5 km - this depends a lot on the
territory. You also can simply receive information and don't necessarily
need to dispatch yourself - the PMR receives information just like any
other normal radio. You can buy PMRs even in some supermarkets or
do-it-yourself-stores. Prices are about 20,- to 40,- (better quality)
Euros, usually as a doublepack. The devices should provide a plug-in for
earphones. During the non-broadcasting periods the PMRs easily can be
used as perfect communication-devices between small groups acting in a
certain range nearby each other...


the following days information will be provided via the PMRs:

Information will be broadcasted hourly:
every xx:45 h Channel: 3

You need: a PMR