
To spread the latest news there will be a PMR-Info-Radio. It´s part of the Infosystem and like Infopoints and Infotelephones it will inform you about the latest news about demonstrations, blockades and actions. You can reach it around Heiligendamm and Rostock-Laage during the Actiondays on Wednesday and Thursday. PMR means “Public Mobile Radio”. This are a small type of walkie-talkies that you can legally buy and use. Usually the broadcasting range is about 0.5 km to 5 km, depending strongly on surroundings. But to receive the Inforadio you don´t need to send – the PMR receives the news like a usual radio. Due to norming you can buy the PMR all over Europe for about 20 €, better quality for about 40 €, usually you get two for that price. Make sure that they have a connection for headphones. Inbetween broadcasting times the walkie-talkies can of course be used for communication in between groups in the closer action radius.
Broadcasting days:

  • Wednesday, 6th of June
  • Thursday, 7th of June

Broadcasting times:

  • Each hour at xx:45 in periods of action

We will not manage to be punctual to the second – practice patience
What you need: PMR-Walkie-Talkies