Shut down G8 Summit! Conflicts make Europe

Social centres towards Heilingendamn

Hundreds of us met in Venice during Global Meeting. We discussed about Europe, movements and autonomous conflicts. This discussion was extraordinary thanks to everyone’s contribution and to the great participation (more than five hundred activists coming from all over Europe). We agreed that political Europe already exists. A multilateral Europe exists by the means of governance and capitalist economy, by the ongoing exitance of war and repression as means of government. In the actual Europe the left wing governments violently evict social centres and the same governments reinforce oppression and exploitation of precarious labour. At the same time, movements are well aware that Europe is crossed by social conflicts, by autonomous struggles that are constantly leading to insubordination as a step toward radical democracy. These conclusions are an important background that opens to new fields of common struggles. We specifically refer to struggle for a basic social income, equals migrations/citizenship rights, defense and life of social centres/autonomous forms of life and society, free education/university, against the commodification of nature.

A first convergence moment will be in Rostock. In the German region that will host the G8 summit (the summit is to be in Heilingendamn a small town near Rostock. Around the two areas initiatives will try to block the summit, whereas June 2nd a demonstration will open the anti G8 mobilisations in Rostock).
Today, we are willing to mobilise against the world’s big powers. We are commited to do that after the closure of a great cycle of struggles. The ones linked to the so called global movements. That also means to us that we should investigate the new connections among global governance after the defeat of bushism and of the unilateral war. The crisis that emerged with the coup within Empire obliges USA to accept multilateralism. But it does not mean that the situation has not worsened. There are still wars and reformism sounds even more hypocrite. Choosing to be against war and against the great eights powerful puppets stresses the fact that movements are autonomous from the plan of the european and global governance. Autonomy is both a statement and a practice. Autonomy is the movements’ political space.

Then we need to qualify movements’ autonomy within Rostock’s practical dimension. German brothers and sisters explained us how they managed to reach a shared proposal of counter-meeting and initiatives. This is very interesting. Because it brings together the various articulation of movements but it as well considers all different practices. And it wishes to be effective in blocking the G8 summit.
At the same time, we discussed about another new challenge that movements are facing. The challenge is that of overcoming the former counter-meetings’ logics, which talked the words of identity and of the “colour- block” representation. We believe that we should define our participation by the desire of experimenting, understanding and inquiring. We think that our protest actions must be as more effective as possible, further before their identity and beyond the simbolic practice.

Just one last word. Ungdomshuset's struggle stands as a symbol of the anti G8 mobilisations. It seems to us that defending commonwealth and autonomy has been the most important element in Scandinavian and German struggles. This element is crucial to us as well.
And it will take us to Rostock.

We therefore want to be part of Rostock's counter-meeting. We will be in Rostock next week end (April 13th, 14th and 15th) in occasion of the international meeting that organises the counter-meeting itself.
We also will help the starting up of the anti-G8 initiatives from and in Italy. We will organise ourselves in order to reach Rostock during the G8 summit.

In movement crossing borders!

Against war and capitalism!


  • Esc, atelier occupato (Roma);
  • Rete per l´autoformazione (Roma);
  • Astra 19 (Roma);
  • Cso Tpo (Bologna);
  • Laboratorio Sociale Aq16 (Reggio Emilia);
  • Laboratorio Sociale Occupato PAZ (Rimini);
  • Centri sociali del Nord Est: Csa Bruno (Trento);
  • Cso Rivolta (Marghera - Venezia);
  • Cso Pedro (Padova);
  • Laboratorio sociale Ubik (Ponzano Veneto TV);
  • Laboratorio Fuori Controllo Monselice PD;
  • Capannone Sociale (Vicenza);
  • Laboratorio Morion (Venezia);
  • Cso Clandestino (Gorizia);
  • Casa delle Culture (Trieste);
  • ChioggiaLab (Chioggia - Venezia);
  • Metropolis Caffé (Verona);
  • Cantiere (Milano),
  • Cso Crocevia (Alessandria);
  • Cso Insurgencia (Napoli);
  • Orientale agitata (Napoli),
  • CSA Intifada (Empoli).

Here we are!