Summit Hoppin' 06Eight years after the first big summit blockades, activists are still St. Petersburg - and what`s next? The meeting of the representatives of eight of the most powerful A spontanous pink and silver demonstration playing samba paraded through a major shopping street in Moskau, and in a separate action, the St. Petersburg hotel where some summit participants were staying was symbolically blockaded. It showed that even under such difficult conditions protests are possible. Despite the small participation of people from western europe the Campinski – the calm before the storm on the summit (die Ruhe vor dem Immediately after the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, over 1000 G8 opposers discussed and continued preparing the protests against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm next year in Germany. „The idea of the camp was primarily to coordinate the resistance and create next year's protest together," explained Rosa Camper in a concluding statement. In addition to the 2007 preparations, there were over 150 workshops. For example, video activists guided participants on the use of cameras, an international working group was founded, the infotour held Do Infotour-Yourself workshops, and the connections between the G8 and agriculture and migration issues were discussed. Aside from making plans, selforganisation was put to the test. As Although people had to be reminded from time to time to translate, Another focus of the camp were direct actions. In Bad Doberan numerous community members were informed about the upcoming summit and its local reference by a Door-knocking-action. Later on, around 300 participants of the Campinski and NoLager-activists demonstrated in Rostock against exclusion of refugees and for „Same rights for everyone“. Around 80 participants visited a field planted with GMOs near Rostock. Another group demonstrated against the German Neo-Nazi party, and in addition an exhibit of sculptures of Arno Breker, Hitlers favourite sculpturer was symbolically closed down. Another symbolic action which was a lot of fun was the swimming day in front of the Kempinski Hotel, site - location of next years summit. Approx. 400 people walked on the beach, accompanied by a samba band and the Rebel Clowns Armee. During the manifestation some people dropped banners out of an empty villa at the beach, calling attention to the threat of the beach privatisation. All in all the Campinski was another success and bodes well for the protests next year. PGA Conference - Networking struggles since 1998 Discussion about the G8 summit was not limited to Campinski, but also The feeling that the global days of actions (GDA), first initiated by For that reason some groups have turned their attention to How to get of the activist ghetto was an important issue of discussion that became apparent in several approaches and projects. Some of the conference participants searched for possibilities to Along thematic lines like migration, agriculture, anti-militarism or The idea of 'Theme Days' to preceed the G8 summit, where global By bringing people together on the basis of specific but global social concerns, the hope is that far-reaching ideas will be developed, and that these ideas will remain relevant long after the end of the summit. One example is the working group G8 and aggriculture, which calls for "Hopefully, a broad coalition of farmers, consumers, trade unionists and opponents to economic globalisation will take action against the global agri-business, gaining publicity around the G8 Summit in spring 2007. Besides this campaign there are already groups like the „BUKO Kampagne gegen Biopiraterie“ who think about the connection beetween the G8 summit and the COP9 (conference of the Parties, a gremium of the convention on biological diversity) which will take place 2008 in Germany Another approach to the focus on the time before and after the summit is the Karawahnsinn/Caravan Utopia through europe with the motto " Movin Europe". The vision, which is presented on the webpage: vision07.org, is to have many different caravans connecting many different people or groups. The caravans would come together at 'stations' which would be autonomous spaces, social centres etc that have the ability to host people. These stations would be a place to share experiences, find out what the different caravans have been doing, what links have been made, have workshops and discuss practical steps to move forward. The caravan will also try to share culture and develop art & creativity as we use culture to shape our politics and politics to shape our lives. But also to start a dialogue with local groups and local struggles outside of our In the meantime there had been a lot more diskussions and meeting and |
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