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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Training PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 20 September 2004

Training for Action 

Preparation is key to effective action against the G8. One of the things that made people work together so well at Seattle was the fact that a lot of them had taken part in direct action training months in advance.

The Training working group are co-ordinating skill-sharing and training for people wanting to take action around the G8. If you want some training get in touch to organise a session:


Training we can offer includes:

  • How to plan effective actions
  • Direct Action techniques (such as blockading, occupations)
  • Working in affinity groups and street teams
  • Organising collectively
  • Consensus decision-making in small and large groups
  • Setting up and running legal support teams
  • Organising and facilitating meetings
  • Communication
  • Dealing with the media
  • And more...

A call out for training!

From the G8 action trainers group

Gonna take action at the G8, at home or elsewhere? Thought about direct action training in your town?

Training can do wonders for planning and doing effective, focused actions. They bring in new people and  revive retired activists. And if you're a bit rusty on some things - using arm tubes, dealing well with public order situations, how does Scottish law work, how to support each other through stressful situations and arrest - then NOW is the time to get on with it!

We are calling on people to:

  • Organise trainings in direct action skills, legal knowledge, quick decision making, support systems, and all the rest in the places where they live.
  • Do these trainings for yourselves, and also open them up to others in your area and offer them to other groups.

Let us share our skills, what we know, our experiences - and let us inspire each other. And let's work now to make it all happen. The most effective actions we've done in the past show how well we can pull things
together when we plan - act - reflect - act"

Get in touch to...

  • tell us you're organising a workshop. We can publicise it on our website and pass on the details to anyone who contacts us from your area.
  • tell us if you need help - with working out what to cover, or help in facilitating the training or publicity.
  • we can also put people in touch with each other who live nearby, or who have similar interests.

Contact info(a)skillsharing.org.uk.

Resources for activism and trainings:










Last Updated ( Thursday, 21 April 2005 )
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