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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Links to important reflections about past mobilisations PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 10 August 2004

Links and republished texts to articles written close to Days of Action.

Dublin - EU, Mayday 2004:
Anarchy in Dublin Against the EU
Why we pushed through police lines

Miami - FTAA Nov 2003:
Bring the Heat on in Miami

Salonika 2003 - EU summit:
The Salonika Report: When Anarchists Attack: Salonika 2003

Evian - G8, June 2003:
Let Me Light My Cigarette on Your Burning Barricade

Strasbourg Noborder Camp - July/Aug 2002:
Border Camps : The New Sexy Thing?

Barcelona - World Bank, J25 2001
"This protest movement we must leave"
Barcelona Account

Prague IMF/World Bank, S26 2000
A View on S26 Prague

London - Global Day of Action against WTO/IMF June 18, 1999:
Give up Activism!

Class War final:
Make your own tea


Last Updated ( Saturday, 12 March 2005 )
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