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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Thursday, 07 July 2005


This is a brief statement, agreed at a meeting in Edinburgh on the 7th July. It is addressed to the general public, to campaign groups, and to the mainstream media, and is intended to make clear our views on the recent wave of arrests and detentions.

click [read more]

During the recent protests across Scotland the police have arrested and imprisoned around 354 people. We support all the arrestees, almost two hundred of who are still waiting to be processed through the courts of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth, Stirling and Falkirk.

We would like to draw attention to specific abuses of police and judicial power:

The use of powers under Section 60 of the Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994. Originally intended to be used to search for weapons, it has been used as a blanket authority to stop and search, including searching wallets and taking names and addresses.
Almost two dozen people have been remanded in custody, including one aged 16 and one with a child.
Bail conditions been used as a deliberate tool of repression - enforcing an effective deportation from Scotland for many, and making life difficult for many others.
Blocking the public from attending the sheriff's court.
Apparently the Principal Sheriff has the power to deny access to court proceedings if there is a ‘fear of serious disorder.' It is chilling how this has easily allowed the creation of secret political trials.

We hope to support all July 2005 arrestees over the next few months. Please get in touch if you wish to offer support. Writing a letter or a card to those detained makes a big difference. Any donations are also welcome, as money for prisoners is very tight.


July 2005 Prisoner Support Group, c/o 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5HA

Email: july2005solidarity@yahoo.co.uk

Temporary telephone number: 0131 208 0767


We support all those arrested during the anti-G8 protests in July 2005, whatever the reason the police have given for their arrest.

So far we have 354 confirmed arrests: over 130 arrested during the Carnival for Full Enjoyment on the 4th of July and 225 during the 6th of July.

Twenty two people have been refused bail and remanded in police custody.

As of the afternoon of the 7th, 198 people have yet to be processed through the courts.


for more news see [Indymedia]

Also see [G8legalsupport]

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 July 2005 )
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