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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Medics Trainings 29th and 1st PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 29 June 2005
There will be two one day medic trainings this week, on Wednesday and Friday.The trainings will run from 8:45am to 7pm - there's a lot to fit in. Please turn up on time.

Wednesday 29th of June
The training will be held in the convergence space in Glasgow, so you can stay on Tuesday night (and Wednesday night) which will help us get a prompt start. The Convergence Space is at 30 Dora St, Dalmarnock, Glasgow. There are buses (including the 203 from Buchanan St bus station) and the local train service stops at Dalmarnock station (very near the space).

Friday 1st of July
We do not have a confirmed venue for the Friday 1st of July yet. We will let you know the location when it is confirmed. We would like to do one in Edinburgh if possible, and are following up one or two options. If you have a venue we could use then please let us know by emailing contact@actionmedics.org.uk

See you there

07005 976 594
Last Updated ( Thursday, 07 July 2005 )
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