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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Web Admin PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 30 May 2005

Brief Guide to Using the Dissent! Website

This website is (semi-)open publishing. Many people find the website busy and a bit overwhelming but if you take some time to familiarise yourself it should eventually begin to make sense!  Please click here to see the Site Map.

If you wish to upload information you need to create an account. Do this by clicking on the 'No account yet? Create one' link on the left hand side bar. Once you have been issued with a user name and password you can log in to the site. When you are logged on the user menu appears above the 'log in' module. From here the main options are 'submit news' and 'submit event'.


Once you have clicked on this option you will be taken to an add content page. Please add your content ensuring that all articles have a very concise introduction and the main body of text/images are put in the 'main text' section. Useful hint - if you cannot cut and paste into the text boxes then click on the html icon below the box and paste your text there.  Include

for paragraph breaks and
for line breaks.  It will then be transfered to the text box where you can make any amendments.  You will then need to select a category:

Translations - This is for any translated information. If the translation is of an article or section that is already on the website please follow these instructions so that a link can be made from the article in English to the translated article. In the title box give the title of the article in the translation language but with the name of that language in brackets in English. Please include at the end of the article the title of the article in English with the translation language name in its translated form in brackets. Please e-mail the web team so they know there is a new article to link.

Action Info - This is for any action related information, from practical/tactical to events.

Support Group Info - This is for news on or any new information from support groups (e.g.. publications, trainings, education, medical and legal).

Convergence Info- This is for any practical information that relates to the convergence spaces or visiting Scotland, or events that are happening in Scotland around the convergence spaces such as benefit gigs etc.

Newsletter - This is for any articles or reports that do not fit into the above sections or would not be classified as news.

Other Events - This category relates to any events or gatherings happening outside of Scotland.

Please then go to the publishing tag at the bottom of the page. You should at least change the 'state' option from unpublished to published. The title of all new articles will appear on the 'Recent Info' module on the right hand sidebar. If your article is of high importance and you want it to go on the front page instead please click 'front page' box on this page. Please note there are currently technical problems with the front page. Once you have finished remember to click the save icon!


This will add details to the events calender, which is currently placed on the right hand sidebar. This section is fairly self explanatory, please follow the online instructions.

Other sections you may find useful:


This section allows you to upload files for others to download. To add (or access) a document go the main menu > resources > document downloads. You do ot need to be logged in if you want to download a document/file. If you are logged in a 'submit a new document' icon will appear at the right hand side of the document download page. Please follow the instructions on this page. Please take some time to look at the categories:

Working Group Meeting Minutes:
This is for meeting that happen outside of network wide gatherings.

Publicity: with the following subcategories
Information about the G8
Logos and Artwork
Press Releases

Past Mobilisation

Gathering Documents: with the following subcategories
Discussion Documents/Proposals
Introduction Packs



You can upload calls to action directly onto the calls to action pages. Go to the main menu > Action Info. At the bottom of this page are links to the call to action pages. If you click on one of these pages (either build up or g8 Summit) and are logged in you can click on the 'new...' which will appear near the bottom of the page. Follow the online instructions (this page has the same format as the news add content page). Please ignore the category Derby M17.

If you experience any problems or get stuck please e-mail the web team at  dissent-tech (at) lists.activix.org.

High Level Adminstrators: To access web admin please click here

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 29 June 2005 )
Recent Info
Events Calendar
June 2007
Tens of thousands are expected to take part in demonstrations against the 2005 G8 Summit. Providing food, accommodation and support for the convergence is likely to cost thousands. Please donate generously.  Click here to donate via paypal or visit our donations page for other payment methods or to help fundraise
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Map of area with Ochil hills zone outlined
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