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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
G8 Climate Action Update April/May 05 PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 04 May 2005
G8 CLIMATE ACTION UPDATE- - and some belated notes from a G8 climate-y meeting held at Ramparts on 18 April a follow up event to the G8 Climate Counter Summit held last month at Toynbee Hall in London.

NEXT MEETING: 16 May, 7 PM, 76-78 Gower Street, WC1E

FEEDBACK FROM THE CLIMATE ACTION GROUP MEETING AT THE FESTIVAL OF DISSENT, 6-10 April, Scotland (for more on the festival see www.dissent.org.uk )

Because of issues with many people not being based in Scotland, too much on, no clear target - no one at the meeting will try to organise any one mass action for the 8th of July, the day of action on the root causes of climate change. There will be information produced with ideas for action. The group felt that there was real need to work closely with as many existing groups as possible to make sure that this day is as widely publicized as possible, and that actions/demos/critical masses/exciting alternatives all happen on this day. There was a decision to divide up the distribution of the publicity amongst the different groups, collectives and campaigns working on the diferent issues associated with climate change (eg. Roads, airports, oil industry, Africa/DFID, nuclear, carbon trading, renewables, farming/GMO). This involves actively contacting the groups and promoting the idea of doing something on the 8th and letting us know about it. Basically if anyone has contacts for any groups, NOW is the time to start contacting them and networking it!

PLANS ARE BREWING FOR JULY 8TH, the International Day of Action on the Root Causes of Climate Change...find out more, get involved, plan your own!

Jam 74 (www.jam74.org) Following the Scottish Executive outrageously overturning the Inspector's decision to reject the motorway, the JAM74 campaign are looking at taking legal action, and direct action. You'll see them at the G8 protests in July.

G8Bike Ride...(www.g8bikeride.org.uk, www.g8cyclecaravan.org ) ...is setting off from London on June 19th 2005 to cycle to Scotland for the G8. Summit. Not only is this the most environmentally sound way of getting there, but it should be great fun and will provide excellent opportunities to network, show support for various campaigns along the way, and to make plans for action on arrival - possibly including a critical mass on July 8th. Routes, stop-overs and join-ups with actions can be seen on the websites.

Icelandic Dams Resistance (www.savingiceland.org) An International SOS has been sent for an Action Camp in Iceland from June to September to disrupt the contruction, therefore putting the project behind by a few years because work cannot be carried out in winter. Camp starts at midsummer, needs people, and funds. Special plans for July 8th!

Corporate Watch (www.corporatewatch.org.uk) is producing a report called Scotland PLC which will include oily culprits in Scotland that might inspire ideas for action. Should be available online any day now!


May 7-8: Roads and Airports gathering www.roadalert.org.uk
May 14-16: Indymedia Anti-G8 gathering, 76-78 Gower Street, WC1E www.indymedia.org.uk
May 16: Next London meeting of G8 climate action interested people, 7 PM, Gower Street
May 22: Dissent! gathering in Nottingham. More info: email nottinghamdissent at riseup.net

For a timeline of events in the run-up to the G8, including info on CONVERGENCE SPACES, what different groups and collectives are up to, and more ACTIONS PLANNED for the G8, check out www.dissent.org.uk and http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/resistg8/timeline.htm

What next?
-Come to the next meeting, 16 May, 7 PM, 76-78 Gower Street, WC1E (and bring new people if you like!)

-Send ideas for July 8th (whether first thoughts or planned actions - we all want to know, contribute, be inspired, and maybe join in!) to the g8climateaction list - if you haven't subscribed yet, send an email to g8climateaction-subscribe@lists.riseup.net

-Very cool ‘Time for Climate Action' postcards are available to help spread the word - take them to events, local group meetings, benefits and festivals... Email g8climate@risingtide.org.uk if you'd like a batch, or if you have ideas for contacts you think they should be mailed to.

If you're planning to go to Scotland, get on board the specially hired Resist G8 Trains running from London to Edinburgh. Long stay train: 1-9 July. Short stay train: 4-8 July. Tickets are £50 return, subsidies may be available. More info: http://www.resistg8.org.uk/ or email london@risingtide.org.uk

Last Updated ( Saturday, 07 May 2005 )
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