Bicycle-Caravan "West":Protocol Bremen 24/02/2007
aus Dissent! Network Wiki, der freien Wissensdatenbank
here are the minutes from our last meeting in bremen (24.2.)
- question of offensively actions and repression
- a) actions in general
- b) action in Bremen
- Route
- technics
- Flyer for mobilisation
- PM
1. at the moment we can't say much about the exact nature of actions, because that depends on the group that finds together on the caravaan and this group is quite unclear yet. This means that we have to be flexible on our stations and when planning actions we have to consider, that there will be people on the caravan without a german passport, who can easily be deported by the police in that time. we have to gather more information about this legal issue...
2.a) mixes up with 1. we thought it would be nice to have some sort of "begrüßungskomitee" welcoming-comitee on our stations. They could wait for us at the border of the city (village) and go together with us into town. we also made a list for the people who want to organise a caravan-stop in their city. On this list, we put things that we wish those people to organise. It will be published in the wiki
2b) people from Bremen already have a plan on what to do on the stop in Bremen... there will be a nice "finding Mr X"-city rallye with lots of fun and action
3) we made a new timetable for our route... maybe somebody else who also wrote down the dates can doublecheck them?
4) we still need medical kits and so on at the moment it is not clear, if we have a car that goes with the caravaan and so we shouldn't take too much things with us as we have to carry them on our own... there is a tractor and a wagon in Osnabrück that could go on the caravan but it has to be fixed first. We would need a driver who is also good in mechanics to take it with us. if the Kokorellen-cooking-team is not going with us, we will probably not take much kitchen things with us, but have cold meals at small stations and ask people or youth- and autonmous centers for their kitchen in cities where we have contacts.
5) there are lots of english flyers. we divided them up and spread them on places, we visit during the next time. You can get flyers on the next dissent meeting in hamburg.
6) we worked on a general text for the press (pressemitteilung) about the east- and the west-caravan and changed some things... i don't have the text with me.
please add things i forgot ;)