3.-4.2.2007 chemnitz

aus Dissent! Network Wiki, der freien Wissensdatenbank

minutes of the chemnitz meeting:

please take this minutes as a list of ideas. which could be realised from you
  • mobilisation

- 5.000 flyers ( english/of both caravans together) have been printed -- al lot will be taken to the eastern info-tour

- the rest will get to the anti-g8-office in berlin and waits there for distribution - get active!

if you have contacts to eastern europe, which could be interested in the bikeride,
please send them to resistencia07@riseup.net

- please send around the shortened call for press work, which lies on the general bike-ride dissent-wiki page here and note on the page, where you´ve sned it to for coordination.

  • mailing list

- please feel responsible for answering questions and interest which is send to the mailing list!

- if you answer them, please send the answer also to the list, to make it transparent that noone else has to do it.

- put a "frequently asked questions" space on wiki. everyone please help collecting questions and answers.

- maybe have a skype offer for interested people. at a certain time? needs initiative.

  • wiki

- have a "frequently asked questions" space

- seperate it in a german, english and chech chapter, to get more clarity.

- end of february there´ll be a fancy homepage! from than the wiki is used just as working space and the homepage for infos

- get a startpage picture on the wiki

- form a special-to-do-list for clarity

- start a special "schwedt- no-border-action" site at the wiki

  • fund-raising

- try to get money from foundations and student committees

- little "updates of financial situation" will be send to the mailing-list

- make more benefit-parties! and visit this party in berlin on 23. of february

- donations are always welcome!

  • info-material

- please help collect info-material in each language which could be spoken and put it on the wiki

- legal infos from hungary, slovakia, chech and poland is still needed. who has ideas and access?

  • translation
we still need translations! volunteers please contact the list

  • infrastructure we need from our hosts

- a proposal, what we could need on the way will be send around on the wiki. hot showers included.

  • crossing the border in schwedt
18. may "no border" action in schwedt. come all!!!

- flyer to mobilise and invite will be made

- include it g8 choreography

- make a press-release

- form a special wiki-page for it

- contact everyone!

  • bombodrom to rostock

- a special mobilisation-flyer will be made for the last step, to get as huge as it could ever be imagined

  • press work

- we started to discuss how to deal with corporate media. think of the way you want to handle it and let´s continue discussing it

  • next meeting
the next preperation meeting will take place from 23. - 25. 2. in berlin. a place is figured out and will be send around the list and published at the wiki.

- don´t forget the party on 23.2.

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