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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Media PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 20 September 2004

In respect of the diversity and autonomy of those within the Dissent! network, we do not have any official spokespeople.  No one speaks for Dissent.  Local groups and individual members may do media work.  Contact one or more of the local groups should you have any media inquiries.  You could also try emailing the Counter-Spin Collective at counterspin[at]riseup.net and they'll try to hook you up.

If you would like to be informed of events, you could sign up to the announce list.

Dissent! Media Policy

Any network press releases are limited to written statements agreed on at the Dissent! gatherings.  However, local groups are autonomous and free to produce their own publicity and do media work, but only on behalf of themselves.

When talking about Dissent! it is to be made absolutely clear that we cannot speak on behalf of other groups and individuals in the network.

Please click here for alternative media links.

Click here for mainstream press coverage

Last Updated ( Thursday, 21 July 2005 )
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June 2007
Tens of thousands are expected to take part in demonstrations against the 2005 G8 Summit. Providing food, accommodation and support for the convergence is likely to cost thousands. Please donate generously.  Click here to donate via paypal or visit our donations page for other payment methods or to help fundraise
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Che in Gleneagles
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