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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Resisting the G8 2005 - Book Out Now! PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 04 January 2006

Shut Them Down! is a vital collection of reflections on the movement to disrupt the 2005 G8 summit at Gleneagles, Scotland. Packed with photos, the book includes comprehensive accounts of what happened, ranging from personal recollections of road blockades and actions to detailed reflection on how various aspects of the mobilisation were organised, from convergence centres to communications. There's also essential discussion of why the protests took place in the way they did and reflections on the lessons to be learned: what is the future of anti-summit mobilisations and where next for our movement of movements?

The book, co-published by Dissent! and Autonomedia, is costs £4.95/7.50Euros/9.95US$ (if you are involved in a local Dissent! group, contact editors@shutthemdown.org for discounted rates!). Copies can be ordered via the book's website www.shutthemdown.org (where the full text is also available online) and from a radical/independent bookshop near you soon!

Last Updated ( Sunday, 15 January 2006 )
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Tens of thousands are expected to take part in demonstrations against the 2005 G8 Summit. Providing food, accommodation and support for the convergence is likely to cost thousands. Please donate generously.  Click here to donate via paypal or visit our donations page for other payment methods or to help fundraise
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Craig Rossie
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