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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Justice and Interior Ministers Meeting 15-17th June PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 16 May 2005
Friday, 13 May 2005 From the 15th - 17th June the Justice and Interior Ministers from the eight most powerful countries in the world - the G8 - will meet in Sheffield

Groups of local people are coming together to show them how unwelcome they and their painful policies are. But also to create space where we can share experiences, learn from each other, and explore alternatives through which we can prioritise the needs, dignity and joy of people and protect our environment.

While the G8 Ministers are in Sheffield discussing policies and tactics of increasing repression, we will make clear our rejection of them and work towards true freedom, peace and democracy.

For more information and Evict Big Brother - Resist the G8 - flyers to download and distribute check out www.sheffield.dissent.org.uk

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