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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Transport PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 09 May 2005

Shuttle Bus Service

The shuttle bus service between Stirling Rail/Bus stations to the Hori-zone Eco Village will begin on Friday July 1st in the afternoon and will run until Monday July 4th.  The service will be from 10am-last train.

A fleet of mini buses will then facilitate transport to events throughout the week.  Come to the transport tent in the Eco Village for details.  Suggested donations of £1 for rides.

Transport Working Group

We need people to get involved and help with organising transport to Scotland, problem solving transport issues during the convergence and updating this website with ongoing transport information.   We need people with vehicles and/or clean driving licenses to volunteer to help.   If you think you can help please get in touch! Email driventodissent (at) go4.it or join the list g8motors-subscribe@lists.riseup.net

Are you over 30, hold a clean driving liscence and can commit to driving a mini-bus from Nottingham on the 1st of July to return on the 9th of July?  If so please get in touch.

Transport Information

For information on all the different ways to travel to Britain and Scotland please click here!

For details of travelling around Scotland watch this space!


We ask that all local groups consider renting mini-buses for the period of the convergence and that they have additional drivers who can help with transport. Renting a mini-bus is actually a cheap way for a group of people to get up to Scotland, and will help with travel to and from the convergence space which will be remote.

Transportation Hubs

We are looking for groups which have transportation sorted, to become a transportation hubs.  If you have mini-buses rented, you can become a hub!  To check out the list of existing hubs, or add your group to the list visit the g8hubs page.  Hubs currently include Berlin, London. Cambridge, Nottingham, Paris and more.

Transport is also being organised by other mobilisations. See: [http://www.resist.org.uk/reports/archive/g82005/g82005-05.php] or [http://www.makepovertyhistory.org/mph/transport/view.do?code=G8]

Last Updated ( Thursday, 30 June 2005 )
Recent Info
Events Calendar
June 2007
Tens of thousands are expected to take part in demonstrations against the 2005 G8 Summit. Providing food, accommodation and support for the convergence is likely to cost thousands. Please donate generously.  Click here to donate via paypal or visit our donations page for other payment methods or to help fundraise
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track leading into golf course from road west of hotel
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