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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Bristol Dissent Group Report PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 03 March 2005

Bristol report:

1. Group makeup

We've had 4 meetings so far, with attendance between 18 & 40 people. There is a mix of old hands and new, which has generated some useful new networks. One of the features of the group is that just about everyone is involved in one (usually several more) existing campaigns/networks/activities - anti-war, anti-GM, Bristle mag, international solidarity, Kebele, squatting, people & planet, Bristol Indymedia, art, DA, and so on. Everyone is busy - in recent weeks there have in Bristol been actions/events relating to Palestine, Zapatistas, Columbia, Buy nothing day, army recruitment, domestic violence, film nights etc etc. On 10 & 11 Dec there were 2 big benefits (fundraising for anti-war, Colombian Solidarity, Bristol Dissent, and Circus2Iraq) that group activists were involved in, that raised over ₤3500 in total.


2. Group activity so far

The group has publicly published it's aims, supported the PGA hallmarks, leafleted various events/held info stalls, produced some painted banners, held two stencil/art workshops, and organised a Bristol Dissent benefit. Monthly street stalls are planned for the new year. We are also starting to plan a (regional) education/training dayschool in March, with benefit in the evening. There is active interest in CIRCA (a member lives in Bristol). Around 20 people so far have pledged to take part next July in Scotland, others may do stuff in Bristol. A few people may make it to Scotland well before to help out. Some of our group are involved in the national Indymedia gathering next year in Bristol (March time).


3. Sub-groups

We have 2 main sub-groups. The info/research group (and individuals) have so far produced 3 propaganda flyers, an ‘Intro to the G8' factsheet, a list of websites for info/resources, and some poster designs are on their way. Other factsheets on climate change, Africa/debt, sustainability, the WB/IMF/WTO, and PFI should be ready in the new year. We also have an experienced local community film-maker working on a film proposal on the G8 and related issues

The events/outreach group has also been busy (see 1 & 2 above).

Contact details

Post: Box 102, Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, Bristol, BS1 5BB

Email: dissentbristol@subsection.org.uk

E-list: http://lists.aktivix.org/mailman/listinfo/dissent-bristol

Meetings: Last Tuesday of month at 7.30pm (next 4 & 25 January 2005), at Kebele Project, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, Bristol, BS5

Last Updated ( Thursday, 03 March 2005 )
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