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 Tuesday, 26 June 2007
World Social Forum in Porto Alegre 2005 PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 18 February 2005
Throughout the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre 2005, the Intercontinental Youth Camp also took place.
The IYC was situated at the heart of the site of the WSF but was independent, organized horizontally and
also attempted to merge politics and practice alternatives. Part of the IYC was the Caracol
Intergalatika - the objective of the caracol was to provide a space where new political movements and
approaches focused on horizontal means of organizing could converge to build and strengthen existing
networks. Individuals involved in the DISSENT! network took part in the Caracol- hosting two meetings that
brought together people mobilizing for the IMF and World Bank, WTO, G8 and FTAA. The meetings aimed to
reflect on past mobilizations and lessons that we had learned, find different strategies of resistance and
develop practical and concrete tools to support the different mobilizations in 2005. The final meeting of
the Caracol Intergaltika and the final assembly of the social movements at the WSF- called for global
Resistance to the G8, FTAA, WTO and IMF and World Bank.

Global Resistance 2005:A call to action

Throughout 2005 the institutions of global capitalism will continue to meet, attempting to manage and bring
stability to a system that creates war, famine and destroyed ecologies, whilst removing any sense of
humanity from all of our lives.

Over the last years, meetings of the institutions have been fiercely contested by the worlds people,
providing much needed spaces for more localised, day to day struggles to converge and realise the
possibilities that can be unleashed when we begin to co-operate.

From these mobilisation has emerged a global 'movement of movements' that is in many ways unprecedented.
In 2005, across 4 continents resistance to these summits will continue, attempting to learn from and
build upon our collective experiences as a global movement and bring us closer towards creating this
other possible world so often talked about.

This call is a result of converging at the Caracol Intergalaktika, International youth camp 5th World
Social Forum ( Porto Alegre, Brazil)of people involved in building resistance to the April 2005
International Monetary Fund Meeting (Washington DC), G8 Summit ( U.K in July), Free Trade of the Americas
Agreement (FTAA) meeting (in Argentina in November) and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial (
in Hong Kong in December).

It is a call for people to support and participate in these mobilisations. To show both political and
practical solidarity with those actively resisting the summits, and to organise, and take part in actions
coinciding with these events in villages, towns and cities worldwide. Moreover, it is a call for this
resistance and these expressions of solidarity to co-ordinate and co-operate amongst themselves, to open
up spaces in which we can learn from one another, from our differences as much as our commonalities

Let 2005 be the year in which our resistance becomes truly global!

IMF/World Bank- April 16th Washington DC
G8- July 2nd-8th- Scotland
FTAA, November, Argentina
WTO, December, Hong Kong

Assembly of the Caracol Intergalaktika, Porto Alegre, 2005

'caracol', like the towns of the zapatistas. 'intergalactika', because that's the breadth of
resistance. The Caraxol Intergalaktika is a space to bring stuggles together to radicalise the resistance
to capitlaism-facilitating groups with similar or different projects to find their overlaps and ways of
cooperating with each other. Over the last years we have been everywhere, we have listened, spoken, learnt and
taught. now what we want is beyond just a space, or an encounter; we want to think about
the future: to plan, to collectively organize common projects, made of people, knowledge,
hope and solidarity the living matter of our strength in the years to come.

Last Updated ( Friday, 18 February 2005 )
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