G8-TV.org Online now!
About G8-TV
G8-TV is a platform of video activists for the coverage of the Action Days against the G8-summit in Heiligendamm. A concept for the different groups to work together was developed during lively discussions. The concept, also containing a declaration of self-conception of the project, can be read below or be downloaded as PDF-Document.
During the Action Days new video clips will be produced and uploaded every day. They can be watched or downloaded here on g8-tv.org.
Translators will provide subtitles in English, French, Spanish and Russian, as well as other languages (Greek, Japanese, Arabian…). By the way, if you have the ability to translate into a foreign language and you would like to donate some of your time, join in G8-TV.
From 2 - 8 June G8-TV will stream a live newscast every evening. It will be produced in German and English and cover the happenings of the day. There will be clips of the day and interviews with studio guests.
The Open Channel TV of Rostock (Rostocker Offene Kanal / ROK) will air the G8-TV newscast and other G8-TV clips at night. We find this great, it is so terrestrial!
G8-TV thinks public screenings rock! This is why it is our concern to provide highly resoluted clips for download. But the possibilities do not only depend on our wishful thinking but also on technical and state-run restrictions such as bandwidth and road blocks However: watching together is good for fun and knowledge (more informationen on public screening).
Here it is, the already mentioned declaration of self-perception of G8-TV activists:
Concept of Video Activists Network on Media Coverage during G8-summit 2007 in Heiligendamm
One main focus is spotted on the mobilisation and media coverage of protests against G8 2007. The Video Activists Network is a group of video film-makers who want to give activists an organ to speak and, by the means of the medium video, to provide them with a public a platform. The network was founded in early 2005 and consist of groups and individuals who come together for work meetings 3 - 4 times a year. On those meetings the following concept was developped, which we would like to introduce now.
Basics for Video-Activists
Video recordings are published on indymedia or indymedia-like structures. Films on actions always use face blur for individuals, unless there was an agreement with the persons filmed. The recordings would only be circulated to public or private TV if this is the wish of the group which was filmed, or to unmask nazis.
All material shall be provided with a logo in order to avoid licence abuse. A contact point for queries from press will be installed.
Before the summit
Clips on globalisation will be produced and published beforehand. There will be a compilation of films on the subject for cinemas, open channels and other possible places, it can also be used during or after the summit. A special website will be set up and linked to existing structures. To supply the translation of the clips into different languages there will be a pool of translators.
During the summit
Production of video clips for internet, download or streaming/download in connection with temporary live-stream.
Working with other media
We wish to work with free radio channels and other video activists. For this matter we are aiming at an exchange on a local and regional, national and international basis. To exchange information we are aiming to work with NGO’s.
The Video Activists Network prefers several decentralised places for the production of a/v publications. There will be mobile stations for cutting. For the collection and evaluation of information an info-dispatch for media activists shall be installed.
To contact us you can use the contact form here