Archive for the ‘Centres & Camps’ Category

“Autonomy and DIY” or how to get started - Your Action Training Camp Guide

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

The Mission Statement of your Action Holiday

In order to show that we can overcome our dependency on the systems we are living in, we want to give a little impression that it can work if we all work hard enough for it.
In our times we are to much used to have everything provided and ready to use. what for us means basic necessities, for a 3rd world country means luxury !!
We KNOW autonomy and self-determination works and our aim is to proof it and to give the message that this can be expanded, which for us is a important step to understand - not only for us but for people who are scared about a change and the deprivation of this luxury.
Still many people haven’t understood that Do It Yourself, finding alternatives on our own and starting to be self-dependent will be needful in the future !!
In your Holiday you can help us in this common aim and you find a lot of opportunities to exchange knowledge, tips and tricks and try with your fellow vacationists the new found skills in the training camp !

There are many things to do that we will describe you below, yet there are also many things to bring to support the infrastructure of a camp you will first of all have to build on your own with us.

So if may have thought that this will be a picnic with full-time service you booked the wrong holiday :P

Arriving/Get involved/Be Free4…:
Arriving in your camp you will, hopefully from the beginning, but surely Sunday, find a InfoPoint.
This InfoPoint is meant to be THE Point you have to go for any matter, questions and ideas !
Thats also is the point were you first say hello - briefly !
We would be really Happy about a donation if you wish to, but we do not ask a entry fee ! It’s Free !!

Then in case you brought something for the collective that can be useful, drop it there and be sure that you marked it with your name, so that after, eventually, you can have it back :)

We will have lists for different services for what we need volunteers. This is starting from helping to dig our own toilets and ending at helping in the kitchen. In between all what you can imagine a Action-Training-Camp must provide !!

We want to remind you a thing that we pay attention to: The Camp is a community in a Temporary Autonomous Zone but we are still in a way depending - on each others !
We need to be in Trust and Solidarity to each others if we want to succeed and therefor we ask you - for only this time that you want to help - to really appear and do so !

Rome wasn’t build in a day, neither will be our Camp !
But it surely will be more fun :)

At this point we do fully trust and believe in each one of you to know the score !

Building a Camp:

what do we need first: right, that must be the toilets. It would be rather uncomfortable if people started to use possible tent-space as toilet, because it’s a undeniable must, but not always clear where it makes no sense to wee/crap. As Dixie Toilets are rather unfit, at least after 8 hours of using them, the fact people are going to shit wild will be a actual matter of fact.
We will be building organic toilets on our own: digging holes, mounting wood, bend privacy camouflage.
Depending on the amount of people helping, this can be done in few hours. You have the opportunity to subscribe to a list of volunteers which will take care about the toilets, to see if they need to be filled back with earth and digging some more..etc etc etc…yes, we are quite sure it will be a Problem to fill this list ;)
The next thing we will want to have is something to eat and drink.
There will be a kitchen to use and we hope there will be a lot of people willing to help !
The Situation with the water is unclear, clear is there will be but we don’t know yet how it will be. If pipes or tanks or in the worst case canisters.
Sure is that in any case we need people who are able to use tools, work with wood or construct things. Mostly this in case of rain we need to construct places to be, but as well for actions and activities we will want to have “room”.

Well, you see and can imagine that there are plenty of things to do, as well the Soundsystems and Artists are happy if they get a helping hand to mount their stuff.

Then for the way you install yourself you are pretty free to do as you wish like, respecting your neighbor :)

You will have the chance to learn many things that are necessary in a independent community of people, you will learn how to screw and to cut wood, how to sew and how to dig, how to motivate others to do so…

Here a list of things that will be useful and if you have a opportunity to bring them - do it !!

To construct:

Wood, as much as possible in any form
Thick Plastic foil
Gardening Tools
Current Plugs

To live:

trash bags

Specials - To hire from you:


Always good to have and you may not think of and we forgot to mention before:

toilet paper

(Whilst on the subject of toilet paper, for hygienic and efficiency reasons, we ask you not to defecate inside the camps but to restrain yourself till the next actions !
There you will be able to empty your bowels in a plastic bag (that you will have taken with you before) in order to use this as a bacteriological deterrent against….. well, its up to you :)
Result is guaranteed !! )
let’s keep it minimalistic :)

What is AbSoLuTe Necessary :

bring a good vibe and respect !!!

respect et bon delir’
respect and good rave

What you need to bring…

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

Dear Vacationist,

Of course on an action holiday you can’t pretend to have everything served like an all inclusive standard holiday. We can’t supply you with luxury, in fact to be fair, we can’t supply you with much but we guess you knew this before, didnt you?
But we thought this will increase the sensation of a real adventure and even though we may not have showers, we hope we do so at least from Monday up, it’s not so bad cause we will stink in community!!
Also we will be stinking so much until the blockades start that we have a high chance not to be touched by police officers. Let’s try that!!

We believe that most of you know or can imagine what to bring, but to help you in your planing and to be sure not to forget something; here a list with basics you would need to bring:

These things are a MUST:

  • Valid Passport/ID card and Health Assurance card (if you have)
  • Driving Licence (if you have)
  • Tent, sleeping pad and sleeping bag
  • Good shoes/outdoor shoes
  • Clothes to change yourself
  • Weatherproof clothes
  • Washbag
  • Medicine you need
  • Combat ration
  • Rucksack

These things would be good to have:

  • Camping stove
  • Dinnerware ( plate, cutlery, cup )
  • Towel
  • Earplug - if it is to loud in the night
  • Plastic bags - to protect something or someone from rain and for many other things
  • Current tap
  • Adapterplug for stranger plugs
  • electric torch
  • Walkie Talkie - PMR-Funk UHF-Frequency 446,000–446,100 MHz
  • Normal Radio
  • CB Funke
  • Kompass
  • Maps (closups or bicycle maps Mecklenburg Vorpommern)
  • Pen and writing pad
  • Repair kid for bikes

And this stuff would be really wicked you could bring it:

  • Binocular
  • Covers
  • First Aid Kit
  • Sewing Kit
  • Candles and Marmalade cans
  • Extinguisher
  • Water canister
  • Tool Kit
  • Gardening Tools
  • Bucket
  • Big tents / Solar sail / Pavillons
  • Extra Sleeping bags, sleeping pads and tents
  • Generatoren
  • Car / Bus / Van

Important information about the Camps

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007

Latest info about the camps here!

The grammar has lost a bit in the translation but meaning remains clear, and you’ll find most of the basic stuff you’ll need to know.

Hamburg Convergence Centre

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

In Hamburg the Convergence Center in the squatted autonomous social centre called “Rote Flora” starts at Friday the 25.05. There will be food and information, workshops, etc. available there. Accomodation is organized decentrally in different communities but coordinated in the Convergence Center. There will be an info point in the Rote Flora as well.

On Thursday the bycycle caravan from Belgium is arriving.
On Friday there is a critical mass in Hamburg.
On Saturday there is a mass demonstration against the g8 education politics and against the neoliberal bologna-process.
On Monday there is the international demonstration “gate to global resistance” against the EU- and G8 summit.
On Tuesday there is the arrival of the no lager caravan and actions against the EU-summit in Hamburg.
On Wednesday there are no lager action at the deportation camp near Hamburg.

More information here

Berlin Convergence Centre

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

In Berlin there is a convergence center starting today. any information about it can be found

Notes from 17th May meeting - London

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

On Thurs 17th May we had a G8 preparation meeting in London. Here be the notes therefrom.


No one ‘really’ arrested (just ‘detained’ in the after-raid protests). Police do have the right to ask for ID and stop and search at any time. During the German raids a little over a week ago, they simply copied the contents of hard drives instead of physically confiscating items.

June 7th ‘Star’ march: Has been banned, but there are still 3 weeks until then, and legal proceedings have started to challenge this ruling.


There has been some talk of closing borders, but this is simply not possible, and has been suggested that people try not using trains and highways, but smaller border crossings. If turned away, try somewhere else. And be sensible and leave the leaflets, black hoodies and masks at home.

Border checks - face checks - seem to generally be more concerned with drug trafficking.

There does not seem to be any indication of cross UK/German sharing of intelligence, but then again, it’s ultimately difficult to ascertain just how anyone can know.


Manchester Bus update: There was some interest in generated in the first meeting about hooking up with some Manchester folks for an ‘illuminating’ coach ride to G8.
Seems that they are pretty much full up, but that someone should maybe email them.

Car Share: Check out English page on Dissent site, or check out for ride share info in Germany. It’s a pretty good system of getting rides, but will be expected to pay for petrol.
[See this post :admin]

Eurolines: about £79, cheaper if you book online. still spaces left. 17 hour ride, with a stopover in Hamburg or Amsterdam.

There are ongoing negotiations to have transportation between Hamburg and Rostock running 24 hours.


3 confirmed camps:

  • Rostock, the ‘north’ camp, which can hold about 4 - 5000 people (where it was proposed that maybe english folks initially meet up);
  • Weichmanndorf, (or the ‘Wendland camp’) - which will eventually have water and electricity;
  • Reddelich - has a contract to use space, can hold about 4000 people. There will be anti-sexist/trauma support there as well.

There are also convergence centers in Rostock, Berlin (decentralised convergence concept, with loads of little convergence centres, but that will close just prior to G8), Hamburg (which can be used by people coming a week or so in advance).

There is also the ‘official’ south camp (the commercial one), which student groups don’t really like as it’s too official, commercial, etc.

There will also be info points in cities like Hamburg to ask for updates, legal info, accomodation info, etc.


Lawyers will try to be present ASAP at jails once they have been contacted, and there are approx 70 - 100 pro bono (that is, working for free, not pro ‘bono’). There is a well established legal organisation called Red Help that will be present, helping people pay court fees etc, but will be working primarily in post arrest situations.

Look for signs saying EA (Ermittlungs Ausschuss) This means Legal Team.


Again, refer to Dissent Network website for all details and updates.

Sat 2nd: East demo - anti capitalist groups
West demo - NGOs, anti racist and no borders groups will be at front of march.

Sun 3rd: Anti GM day

Mon 4th: No Borders Day - actions at detention centres, centralised demo in Rostock in afternoon, as well as conferences in evening.

Tues 5th: Anti Military day- actions at the airport in south.

Wed 6th: Blocades (where? everywhere?)

Thurs 7th: ‘Star’ march, from several surrounding cities, converging at fence.

There will be one additional meeting this coming Thursday, 7 to 9pm, and maybe a post G8 meeting on June 14th. As part of this meeting there will also be a get together of people staying in London to discuss and prepare the idea of a ‘London G8 Solidarity and Info Point’ during the G8 mobilisations in Germany. Come if you are staying in London but want to be part of the resistance to the G8!


Festival opening for the Convergence Centre in Rostock 25th-26th May

Saturday, May 12th, 2007

*Important information about the opening of the Convergence Centre “balticseabeach” in Rostock:*

* at the Convergence Centre will be a *two days hardcore festival* on the 25th and 26th of May

* this will be at the same time the opening party for the Convergence Centre in Rostock

*you are all welcome to rock and open up the protests in Rostock

Link for the flyer with all bands:

Link for the Convergence Centre in Rostock:

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